Long, Z. and Xu, J. Investigating teacher reformulations in EFL classroom interaction: An ecological perspective [J]. Journal of Language, Identity and Education, 2023. (in press). (SSCI)
Long, Z. and Xu, J. L2 learners’ engagement with written feedback: An ecological perspective [J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 2023. (in press). (SSCI)
Long, Z. and Xu, J. Reviewing Research into Emotions and Language Learners, Language Teachers and Educational Processes [J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 2021, 12: 732706. (SSCI)
Long, Z. and Xu, J. Engaging language learners in contemporary classrooms [J]. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2022. doi: 10.1111/ijal.12414 (SSCI)
Long, Z. and Xu, J. Extending language motivation research and pushing it forward: Book review of Contemporary Language Motivation Theory: 60 Years Since Gardner and Lambert (1959) [J]. The American Journal of Psychology, 2020, 133(4): 543-548. (SSCI)
Long, Z. and Xu, J. Teaching and testing L2 interactional competence: Bridging theory and practice [J]. Intercultural Pragmatics, 2022. (accepted). (SSCI)
Long, Z. and Zhang, J. Reviewing language teacher motivation, autonomy and development in East Asia [J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 2022. doi: 10.1080/02188791.2022.2151737 (SSCI)
Xu, J. and Long, Z. Sociocultural theory and L2 learning: A review of studies in East Asia [J]. Language and Sociocultural Theory, 2020, 7(2): 202-222. (通讯作者) (ESCI)
Xu, J. and Long, Z. Reviewing Evidence-based second language pedagogy [J]. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 2021, 20(6): 443-445. (通讯作者) (SSCI)
Chi, L. and Long, Z. Reviewing complexity perspectives on researching language learner and teacher psychology [J]. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2021. doi: 10.1111/ijal.12389 (通讯作者) (SSCI)
Zhang, J. and Long, Z. Reviewing meaningful teaching interaction at the internationalised university: Moving from research to impact [J]. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2022. doi: 10.1111/ijal.12433 (通讯作者) (SSCI)
Xu, J. and Long, Z. Investigating Lower-proficiency English Majors’ Dynamic Engagement with Peer Written Feedback: A Perezhivanie Perspective [A]. In Lee, I. and Yu, S. (eds.). Peer Feedback and Assessment in L2 Writing: Contexts and Issues. (to be published by Routledge) (通讯作者)
Wang, F., Zhang, J. and Long, Z. Reviewing language learning environment: Spatial perspectives on SLA [J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 2022. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.958104 (通讯作者) (SSCI)
龙在波, 张姗姗. 生态视角下高校英语教师幸福感影响因素研究[J].外语教学,2023, (1): 68-74. (CSSCI)
龙在波,徐锦芬,潘彧.外语课堂师生互动中的和谐关系构建个案研究[J].外语与外语教学,2021,(5):57-67. (CSSCI)
龙在波,王禹奇.独立学院大学英语听力教学模式实验探析[J].实验室研究与探索,2017,(8):211-216. (北大中文核心)
龙在波,徐锦芬.二语课堂话语研究的多视角理论回顾与思考[J].第二语言学习研究,2020,(2):107-117+139. (中国英汉语比较研究会二语习得专业委员会会刊)
徐锦芬,龙在波.技术调节外语教学研究中的理论意识[J].外语电化教学,2020,(1):38-44. (读博期间导师一作,本人二作) (CSSCI)
徐锦芬,龙在波.后结构主义视域下国际二语课堂话语研究[J].现代外语,2020,(6):854-864. (读博期间导师一作,本人二作) (CSSCI)
徐锦芬,龙在波.《基于实证的二语教学:教学二语习得研究汇编》评介[J].外语教育研究前沿,2021,(1):77-81. (读博期间导师一作,本人二作) (CSSCI)
徐锦芬,龙在波.外语教学中的能动性研究[J].解放军betway必威学报,2020,(5):93-100. (读博期间导师一作,本人二作) (CSSCI扩展版)
范玉梅,龙在波. 自我决定理论视角下大学生基本心理需求与学术英语能动性投入关系研究[J].现代外语,2022,(3):406-417. (通讯作者) (CSSCI)
张姗姗,龙在波. 活动理论视角下高校英语经验教师专业发展能动性研究[J].外语教学,2021,(6):85-90. (通讯作者) (CSSCI)
张姗姗,龙在波. 博士研究生的情感体验与身份建构叙事探究[J].外语教学理论与实践, 2022, (3): 54-63. (CSSCI)